Everyone anxious to see the gradual reorganization of British Industry
on sound lines should buy a copy of a remarkable booklet, price one shilling, entitled, Wanted, a Practical Solution to Britain's Industrial Problems. It is a contribution from New Zealand by Messrs. Frank Harty and Harry Valder. The pamphlet contains full details of the Companies Empowering Act, 1924, which was placed on the Statute Book of New Zealand after three years of searching criticism from which we might learn much. There are to be only two classes of shares in industrial concerns in future : " (1) Capital Shares, which entitle the holders to receive a fixed remuneration based on the current market value of money, and in addition to this, a risk rate proportionate to the risk run. (2) Labour Shares, which all contributors of Service, from the managing director to the office boy, are qualified to hold, in proportion to the degree of the Service con- tributed." These shares are of no nominal or paid up value but the variable surplus profit is divided among them. The worker has not to find any cash but gets ah interest in the prosperity of his industry. The pamphlet can be obtained from the New Zealand Government Offices, 415 Strand, W.C. 2.