Sin,—In your review of Mr. Ford's To-day and To-morrow, September
11th, p. 384, you state that " there are only twenty-three millions of stationary horsepower on earth." The Report of the Water-power Committee of the Conjoint Board of Scientific Societies credits the world's factories, including electric lighting and street railways (of which the generating stations are " stationary ") with seventy-five millions of horse-power. The moving horse-power, including railways and shipping, are credited with a further forty-five million.
The available (but little utilized) water power of the world
[To the Editor of. the SPECTATOR.] is not far short of 200 million horse-power (World Power, January, 1925).—I am, Sir, &c., J. W. MEARES, M.Inst.C.E.
_ (Member of the World Power Conference). Elstowe, Jenner Road, Guildford.