18 SEPTEMBER 1926, Page 2

* • * _ Events in China are as confused ts ever,

though the fighting on the Upper Yangtze has not led:to such highly disagreeable results as might have been feared. General Yang Seri, Wu Pei-fu's subordinate, who captured the British merchant vessels and refused to meet the remark. ably conciliatory adVinees of the British Minister, seems to be in a more reasonable frame of mind. It is hoped that he will shortly release the ships. The Morning Post of Tuesday published from its Shanghai correspondent a vivid account of the gallant enterprise of naval officers and men who rescued five out of six of the imprisoned Mercahtile Marine. officers. Seventy blue-jackets were pitted. against four hundred Chinese, and the officers and men have well earned the thanks of the Admiralty which have been sent to them. The merchant vessels them- , selves had to be left in the hands of the Chinese for the time being.