SEA WHISPERS. By W. W. Jacobs. (Hodder and Stoughton. 7s.
6d. net.)—Mr. Jacobs is irresistible when he writes of trios of artful sailormen, and impressive when his tales are more sombre ones of tragedies among common, humdrum mortals. But of courtship and marriage he writes almost too cleverly, as witness the story " Handsome Harry " in this present volume. A good looking foreman courts the very pattern of all headtossing, tittering suburban beauties : and she pours contempt on him. That any young man should read this tale and still dare to woo any lady is unthink- able, for the charming Miss Gossett has all of woman in her, caprice, shrewishness, and cruelty. Yet like all this author's characters, even the most odious, she is utterly human and even lovable. Miss Gossett and her handsome lover are both stricken with mumps. The pitiable communion of their woes effects what all the hero's blandishments attempted in vain.
Other of the stories ridicule mental healers, braggarts, or simpletons. The ridicule is good natured, infused with wit and shrewd observation. The eerie tales are simple and extremely effective in producing a shiver.