18 SEPTEMBER 1926, Page 48


On more than one occasion I have commented upon the wonderful uniformity of the dividend distributions by the Yokohama Specie Bank, and the cause is no doubt to be found in the conservative management over a long period of years-which has-enabled the bank to create an exceptionally strong position in everything pertaining to rekerves. For the half-year ending Jithe 30th last the net profit was 9,156,000 yen, which compared with 9,150,000 yen a year agci.' Once again' the dividend is declared at the rate of 12 per cent. per annum, while -a -further amount of 3,000,000 yen has hcen added to the Reserve Fund, leaving a balance to be taken forward of 5,902,000 yen. Both dividend and allocation to the Reserve are the same 'as- a year- ago,- but the balance fOisicird again shows an increase.