Crossword 575
A prize of ten pounds will be awarded for the first correct solution opened on 4 October. Entries to: Crossword 575, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WCIN 2LL.
The puzz e is of the usual barred pattern and is symmetrical whichever side is uppermost. The across clues in numerical order precede the down ones, also in numerical order. Solvers are re- quired to insert the bars and number the grid.
Name Address CLUES
A youngster — a flagellant with a camera?
It's said to the French about to depart ' Pole's back-way in King's ovens Scurvy chap in charge of a poet Faulty current collector with apparent five-fold chart Live former leader's position Clean out building site for knight Everybody's out the night before exam (hyphened) Gunner with sex-appeal and spirit Comrade with left radical Old scout — one in Alps, maybe Some hero's young and hopeful The sport of courtly love Produce too much port, it would seem Marijuana for lemur High-sounding national T.T. out- burst Spell 'Clutch' One found in crossing an inlet Friendly greeting at sea?
RAF type in coat of camel-hair and fibre Imperil former flower-group having groaned awfully (3 words) German Foreign Office from smallest Welsh shire A spike . — obtained from indigo MacVicar's domain having capital and money, but no grant, initially Vinegar's that's turned — a deception Controls inside us Leading article can turn up bright- red fabrics Proverb of 'our time?
Work up pulse of the feet Red ochre Powell mixed for laxative (hyphened) Garland unknown county
Sound of commendation for victims Ran out of Otranto Oil Scotsman after bass-tuba from the Muses' home
Apparently about or turn Answer strange persons out East Robust strength New organist throwing out one vocal composition (hyphened) Group of 9 some possessed, we hear A g-gentle hit for palm Filthy places for Bond on board Film-star in dress and with nothing on Fashion convert