The Money Market still continues hewy ; the pressure of Money Stock on the market has rot been removed. Exai,:-ferated repot ts of the events in Paris were the cause of a &cline in Consols; which on Tue: day were at 90!: ; but when the details of the dist erbances there become known, the 'nice improved to 91. In the course of yesterday, the conveisation about the Trades Unions which took place in the morning sitting of the House of Commons, became known; and as it was inferred from the silence of Lord Howitar that the riots a Oldham were of a more serious character than was at first imagined: some verj extensive sales of Stock took place. At one period. the price of Consols for Aceount was as low as 90;1, but closed at 90,; Little bininesa has been done
to- day ; and the last price is 901 Exchequer Bills have declined ; the price
to-day- is 4S 60. Money is still in demand is the City ; and this unusual state of pressure has forced itself on the attention of the Directors of the Bank of Eng- land. It has of late years been customary with that establishment to advance money upon loan dm ing the period immedia,ely preceding the payment of the Dividends, when the books of the various Siocks are shut, aril when, from the payments of the revenue into the Exchequer, a large sum of money is withdrawn from the hands of the Receivers General, and its circulation thereby temporarily suspended. Till very lately, such has been the abundance of capital, that little advantzige was taken of the offered accommodation ; but during the shutting of Consuls in December and January last, a considerable sum was borrowed of the Bank. During the last shutting of Reduced 3 per Cents., loans to a great extent have been made to the public. In the ordinary course, payment of these loans has been 'sirloinsd just after that of the Dividends, when money is usually very abundant : but it would appear from the pressure now existing, that the Bank had neatly forestalled the issue of Dividends. The present distress is considered to be entirely occasioned by the necessity of repaying their advances. Under these circumstances, the Director s came to a determination yesterday, to con- tinue their practice of making advances for one month longer. It is stated that this resolve has been adopted at the suggestion of the Ministry, who are desirous of effecting the reduction of the 4 per Cents, in the course of the present year; _ but we believe that there is sufficient reason for it in the present scarcity of money.
All the Foreign Stocks were depressed with the Consols at the beginning of
the week : they have since recovered, and are nearly at our last week's prices, Spanish and Portuguese Bonds must, however, be excepted, as both these secu- rities are considerably higher than at our last quotations. The appointment of Mr. Itortisciinar to the office of Banker to the Spanish Court, has given an impulse to the Cortes Bonds, in which some very extensive transactions have occurred : the price on Tuesday was as high as 04 ; the intelligence from l'aris operated unfavourably on the market, and the price was speedily depressed to ; the extensive purchases which took place on Wednesday and yesterday forced the Bonds up to 3:34, from which point a decline again commenced ; and the closing price was 33i. The transactions of to-day have been very unim- portant : after being at 11:11 and 331, the closing price is 33:11. The price of the Portuguese Regency Bonds has fluctuated between ti9 and 721; and the closing price this afternoon is 70" 71. We have little to remark upon the other Foreign Stocks ; the business of theweek having been almost entirely confined to Spanish and Portuguese Bonds.
Consols have declined this morning, in consequence of the heaviness of the French Funds, and the forebodings of some speculators on the subject of this Trades Unions and the intended meeting on .Monday next. At the conrmence- merit of business some excitement occurred, but it soon subsided, and the after- part of the morning has passed in inactivity. The fall in Consols has checked the advance in the Foreign Fonds, especially of Portuguese Bonds. The intel- ligence from the Peninsula is very encouraging, and the price of these securities has been as high as 711; but is now 70k 711. Spanish Stock is also lower : the price of Cortes Bonds in Paris has declined ; and our market is heavy from the quantity of Stock thrown on it at high prices, and the temporary cessation of speculation.
Some considerable sales of Consols have taken place in the course of the after- noon, but without producing any further decline ; the price has never fallen be- low 90i, and the closing quotation is 9W i. The Foreign Funds are generally lower than in the morning. A large sale of Belgian Stock has been effected at 9,4.; ; this Stock is now 981 99. Dutch Stock is also heavy. The principal transactions have occurred in Spanish and Portuguese Regency Bonds: both these Stocks close lower than in the morning; Spanish Bonds have been 34, and close at :e21 a ; while the Regency Stock, after having been at 69k, closes
at 70j ..
3 per Cent. Consols 904 4 Dutch 24 per Cents 504
Ditto for Account 901 I
French 3 per Cents
- New 3,i pr Ceti. Annuities ..
974 8
Greek, 1833, 5 per Cents
1034 4 !tank Stock . 2594 Mexican 6 per Cents. 394
India Stuck for Account
— Portuguese 5 per Cents.
704 4
Exchequer hills .... 49 50 Po Regency Scrip5 percent.
704 4 Belgian 5 per rents. 984 9
Prussian, 1818.5 per Cent... — Bratilian 5 per Cents 71i I
Russian, 1822, Spec Cent...
1046 Danish 3 per Cents.
73i t
Spanish, 1821,5 per Cent.... 324 4