19 APRIL 1851, Page 6


It was announced early in the week that Mr. More CY Ferrell had been returned without opposition for Longford County ; but this was prema- ture. At the day of nomination another candidate was brought forward in the person of Mr. George Warner Wilson Sleator. The proceedings were very outrageous. Mr. Duffy, the Roman Catholic administrator of the parish, proposed Mr. More O'Farrell. Mr. Wilson Sleator, High Sheriff of Cavan, addressed the meeting with excited gesticulation, and nominated one of his sons. The show of hands being in favour of Mr. More 0*Ferrall, Mr. Skater demanded a poll.

Mr. William Fagan, the Member for Cork, has accepted the Chiltern Hundreds.

The Irish journals continue to mark with astonishment the early ra- pidity with which the stream of emigration from the Irish shores to Ame- rica is already flowing. Since the commencement of the present season, 1600 emigrants have sailed from Galway, and 2311 from Limerick; and both of these ports are now filled with ships about to start with further living freights. Private accounts from Cork inform us that no descrip- tion can give Englishmen any idea of the general movement ; it is like the movement of passage-birds to another clime : 1100 emigrants sailed thence on a single day of last week, and vessels leave that port almost every day. From Waterford, the course to America is by steamer to Liverpool, and the steamers are crowded with emigrants. From Drog- heda 5000 emigrants have already departed, "and the season is scarcely begun." From every other port there is a proportionate departure. The Limerick Chronicle says that several of the Irish Constabulary are leaving the Force for the purpose of going to America.

From a Parliamentary return obtained by Sir Lucius O'Brien and. printed by order of the House of Commons, it appears that up to the 28th February 1851, the sum of 1,892,762/. had been allocated by the Trea- sury for the promotion of arterial drainage in Irelarel, and that 199,8701. had been allocated for laud improvement under Mr. Labouchere's letter. Of the latter sum, Ulster obtained 67,6031. ; Leinster, 67,345!.; Munster, 46,6421.; Connaught, 18,2791.

Over five hundred acres Of ground have been prepared in the Bandon Union to lay down flax, and the farmers will commence this day spreading the seed. 1sa large breadth has been secured by the example of the Earl of Bandon, who devoted two hundred acres to the cultivation ef this plant. Last week the ground was inspected by an agriculturist sent down by the Royal Society, who did not approve of some of that proposed to be set with flax by his Lordship, and Immediately several of the noble Earl's tenants offered to devote such portions of their own farms as were suitableto the crop to an extent equal to that not approved of on his Lordship's land, so as to secure the cultivation of such a quantity as would induce manufacturers to establish a factory in the union.—Cork Constitution.