Text - Book of the Thirty - Nine Articles. By J. Lightfoot, D.Sc.
(Swan Sonnenschein.)—This is a plain, practical, liberal-minded exposition of the Articles. Dr. Lightfoot expresses himself very decidedly against the Calvinistic theory of election. He holds that the 18th Article, "Of obtaining Eternal Salvation only by the name of Christ," does not teach that "outside the Church there is no salvation." It means rather that "a man's law or sect will scarcely be held sufficient for his salvation." The 22nd Article does not condemn the practice of prayers for the dead.
It is to be taken as levelled against the " Romish doctrine of purgatory." What is meant by regeneration in baptism is "a
second birth into the family and household of Jesus Christ, there to be educated and come under—at once and by right as sons— all the elevating influence of His family, and so grow up to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ." These are significant samples of the author's exposition.