19 APRIL 1902, Page 21

A Damsel or Two. By Frank Frankfort Moore. (Hutchinson and

Co. 6s.)—There is an Oriental voluptuousness about Mr. Moore's title which makes the reader a little timid about the possible contents of the book. He need be under no alarm. Here is no haughty Sultan flinging the handkerchief to the occupants of a crowded seraglio, but an honest journalist, after- wards the editor of a great daily newspaper, engaged to a girt who, to help in maintaining the ancient home of her fathers, tries to make a living by painting. Her sister, who is reserved as a bride for the proprietor of the aforesaid newspaper, finding that sing- ing at evening parties is not lucrative, very sensibly turns cook,. and helps to prepare the feasts of the wealthy. The book is very cheerful reading, and Mr. Moore is really eloquent in the précis. which he gives us of the events of December, 1899, and January, 1900. It is an inspiring subject, and Mr. Moore for a moment rises to an entirely unwonted height in his treatment of it,.

Otherwise the book is not remarkable, though, as we have said before, cheerily readable. The villain of the piece is a millionaire, which is always soothing to people who are not very well off.