A deliberate attempt to assassinate the King of Spain on
Sunday afternoon was only foiled by the King's presence of mind and fine horsemanship. As King Alfonso was returning from the swearing-in of the recruits at the head of his Staff,a man rushed forward from the crowd, seized the horse's bridle, and fired a revolver, but the King had already made his horse rear and the bullet lodged in its chest. Before the man was secured he fired two more shots, but without any effect. King Alfonso, having saluted the crowd with the cry "Viva Espafia!" which was taken up with great enthusiasm by the populace, rode slowly back to the Palace. There an immense concourse gathered and cheered until the King appeared at a balcony with the Queen. The assassin is said to be a carpenter named Alegre, of Barcelona, and three other persons have been arrested. The King's pluck, and the want of the slightest sense of bitterness or vindictiveness warm one's heart to him. He bears himself like a true King, and yet without a touch of the theatrical—no easy task.