M. RakoYsky; the leader 'of. the SoViet delegation,. denouneed the
militarism of Europe, and declared that disarmament 'must be " carried to the farthest possible limits." We agree ; but unfortunately the history of Russian Communism has been largely a history of military Oppression. - M. Rakovsky added-that the first condition Of a 'stable peace was that the ' Treaty of Versailles 'should be revised. The Soviet Government considered that war would never be eliminated till economic life was reorganized on a Socialist basis. These words were not happily chosen; as M. Rakovsky might mean—though' we hope that he did not mean—that a- reconstruction of all European communities must somehow be procure d before .peace was possible. That would only be another. Way of _saying that Russian Communistic propaganda in foreign countries could not be avoided. However, we must hope that deeds will prove kinder than words. If the negotiations break down the fault, we undertake to say, will not be with this country. * * *