19 APRIL 1924, Page 1


THE Prime Minister's attention is now diverted almost entirely= to foreign affairs. The Experts' Report on Reparations has been almost universally received as a scientific and practical document. It. affords by far the best opportunity there has yet 'been for a settlement. Even Gerniany• has declared in its. &Your, in spite of, the attempts of the Nationalists to whip up feeling against • it.' The British- Government, • as -Mr. MacDonald announced 'in the House. -of COmniOns on Tuesday, have taken the extremely important' Step- of declaring 'to other countries that Great Britain is willing to accept the Report in its entirety if others will do the same. This is in accordance With the state-_ ment of the:Experts- themselvei that their scheme is " all indiYisible Whole." In thus. vigorously taking the lead Mr. MacDonald is certainly interpreting the wishes of practically (the.whole_nation. If Great -Britain does not insist--little or . nothing happen.."" Poinetire has repeated his old formula ; ,Trotsky has chosen this lamentably inopportune moment to assert that the British --Government have no principles.- But,,the best game to win is lbe uphill one, and we hope- that Mr. MacDonald will have the encouragement and help of every • Englishman. * * * *