Contrary to confident expectations, the M.I.C.U.M. (Frerich Control Mission of
Factories and "Mines) agree- ments; which lapsed' on Tuesday, were renewed for two months. -These agreeinents were made last autumn between the French GOvernment and the German indus- trialists, By:their means, considerable deliveries in kind .
were made to France. At that time the. German Govern- nient itielf indemnified the industrialists for the goods they supplied under the agreement, but it had recently made it knOWn that it could not do so in the future. Thus it appeared -that an impasse had been reached, for the industrialists had always maintained that they were unable to make the deliveries from their own resources. The prospect of .settleMent opened up by the Dawes Report has, no doubt, been sufficient to obtain credits for the German industrialists with which to carry on for two months. German opinion has always attached very great importance to the publication of the Dawes Report before April 15th, when the M.I.C.U.M. treaties ran out, and it appears that it was justified in doing so.