19 APRIL 1935, Page 19


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Except with regard to India, you make a point of great impartiality and almost go out of your way to give the Devil his due. Why then stop at the poor.devils of India ? Surely it is not because they are inarticulate and their tyrants have the gift of the gab and use it ? Or because on their side only your poor Mr. Churchill can be found equally loquacious ? Is it nothing to you, that reminder of his, about. the opinions of your friends in India ? It has always been the ease that there is division -between those who talk of India and those who live there. I have often noticed too, that Indian politieals divide the English into two castes, those at Home and those who, pass Suez. The latter are suspect. _

I'm not really interested so why worry ? Only because somehow the cold-blooded callous cruelty of your attitude gets my goat.—I have, &c., EDWIN J. BEER. • Redi, Kings Aish, Paignton.