19 APRIL 1957, Page 27


'Talkin' about people an"orses,' said the old fellow, "minds me of poor Bill. A grand lad, 'e wass. We worked together up at Bryn an' nobody worked 'ardcr than we did in them days. Bill wass terrible fond of 'orses an' always 'appy when 'e wass sent to do some job with one. We'd been given an 'alf-day before this 'appened an' we were dead tired. The boss came out an' tole Bill to go for some coals an' Bill went off to get them. 'E 'ad two carts an', when 'e started for 'tne, one be'ind wass 'itched up to the one 'e rode on. Bill must 'ave nodded off to sleep an' fallen when the cart went over a big stone. We found the two carts stopped in the lane. Bill wass dead. The second one 'ad rolled over 'is neck, poor lad. There never wars a cheerier chap. I remember 'avin' to go an' tell 'is Mam an Dad the sad news. That must be sixty year now. We wass both about the same age. seventeen, an' always great pals. I've never forgot it, an' never will.'