ACROSS 1 Hooded graduate gets a cup, too (8). 5 The Twa Dogs'? Fluffy, too! (6) 9 It takes more than nuclear fission to get this blue (8).
10 The old approaches are so drab (6).
12 Give rise to a Sirenian (7).
13 What the sword does to the sheath, according to Byron (7).
14 They cap detective fiction (12).
17 In plain English, William's unwilling (6, 6).
22 The wearer of fine feathers might be so vain (7).
23 'There's the — that makes calamity of so long life' (Shakespeare) (7).
24 Drunkard embraces glutton in the barrel (6).
25 Got the cash; it's never due! (8)
26 'When he —, the air, a chartered libertine, is still' (Shakespeare) (6).
27 It's me, so there! (8) DOWN 1 The dog that's highly correct (6).
2 What is Laurence doing with that rope? (6) 3 The Pride of the Smithfield Show? But we hear he's rather slow (7).
4 Worked like a black on the water-ways (12). 6 Eye a twisted tail on the beat (7). 7. He inherits with another (8).
8 One of eglantine's partners at the royal couch (8).
11 Instructions from the PMG, perhaps (6, 6).
15 Table-talk has some foundation in Xenophon (8).
16 Have a little trifle, Fido? (8) 18 There's nothing gross in this employment (7).
19 What, no perfume? asks Jock (7).
20 Decline of the dustman (6).
21 Sweetness but no light! (6)
Two prizes will be awarded: a copy, of the De Luxe edition of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a book token for one guinea. They will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened after noon on April 30 and addressed: Crossword No. 936, 99 Cower St., London, WC1.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Version, is recommended for Crosswords.
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Solution on May 3 Solution to No 934 on page 532
The winners of Crossword No. 934 are: MISS PHCEBE M. B. JOHNSON, Leeds, and MR. THOMAS G. LAINO, Kilmarnock.