Q. Loads of people we know from school all went
to a cool public party which was arranged through Facebook during the Easter holidays. My friend and I were not allowed to go because we are not 14 yet and our mums said we were too young. What should we say to people who ask us in a pitying way why we did not go to this party when everyone else did?
Name and address withheld A. If your ultimate objective is to increase your popularity then you will achieve this just as easily by not having gone to the party as having gone to it. Those who did go will want to boast about it and who can they boast to if everyone else was there? Openly admit that you were not allowed to go and beg those who were to tell you all about it. The exclusive insights they can offer as they regale you with the details will make them love you more for being impressed than they would love you for offering competitive accounts of the same event.