Mr. Robert Holmes, the eminent barrister, 'slumped for Hutton at the late election ; and for his refusal to support O'Connell, Mr.
Bar- rett, editor of the Pilot, attacked him in the most offensive manner di his paper. Mr. Holmes is now an old mats; but having, as he said ut a letter to the Evening Post, ascertained that Barrett was "gentleman enough" to suit his purpose—he not being very nice on the occasion
challenged Barrett. The latter, however, made a very humble and complete apology. It is said that Barrett is under heavy bonds to keep the peace ; but when Mr. Holmes heard of this circumstance, be offered to lodge the amount in the bands of a friend to wait the issue of the affair.
The Sheriff received a reprieve on Wednesday morning for .M8ftin Shanahan, James Carroll, and Edward Cain, who were convicted of the wilful murder of John Lanigan, at Fishmoyne, on the clearest and most satisfactory testimony, before Chief Justice Doherty, at the last Assizes, and sentenced to be hanged. We understand that Mr. Shed, interposed with the Lord-Lieutenant in their favour.— Tipperary Con- stitution. [A Tory paper. This story will doubtless figure in one of Sergeant Jackson's speeches next session ; and pass current till Lord Morpeth explain the circumstances omitted.] One of the sons of Sir R. Langrishe, of Knocktopher, Kilkenny, shot bi6 young" brother accidentally, on Wednesday week. They were out shooting together, and by some awkwardness the contents of the elder b. rother's fowling-piece were lodged in the body of the other, who died immediately.