Dr. Lamb, Master of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, and the object of much Tory persecution, is to succeed Dr. Musgrave, the Bishop of Hereford, in the Deanery of Bristol. Mr. Henry Bulwer has been appointed Secretary of Legation at Constantinople, in the room of Mr. Urquhart, recalled. The rumour of Lord Carlisle's serious illness is contradicted. His Lordship has been unwell, but in no danger. A story of the Duke of Buckingham's death was prevalent in the beginning of the week; but the Duke is enjoying life at Stowe with a large party, careless of duns and penny.ii-line reports of his decease.
Sir Robert Peel is recruiting his health. He is getting the better of his lameness, and has gone to shoot grouse on the Duke of Rutland's moors and mountains in Derbyshire. Now, if Sir Robert will take his meals regularly and moderately, lie may be lit for work in Novem- ber. The "lumber abscess" story was a weak invention of Sir Ro- bert's enemies : it might forward arrangements to put him out of the
way. Lord Spencer has been on a visit to Lord l3roughain, at Brougham Ilall. The Ex. Chancellor, we learn, is anxious once more to be the leader of the "fierce democracy ;" but his day has gone by; and even Were he tit to lead, where would he find troops ?
The Duke of Wellington has left town for Widmer Castle.
Lady Lyndhurst is not the daughter of the well-known author of the Antigallican, but of Mr. Goldsmith, who for many years, and until his retirement from business, wits the confidential Parisian corre- spondent of the house of Rothschild. The lady's fortune was 40,000/. down. She is thirty years of age, and an only child, and upon the death of her father will have a large accession of property.—True Sun.
We hear that Lord Powerscourt, by dint of corruption now Tory Member for Bath, lies so dangerously ill of the small-pox that his life is despaired of. We may even yet have Mr. Roebuck in his old seat, which he filled with so much credit to himself and advantage to the advance- ment of public morality.— True Sun.
Mr. Robert Hutton, the now Member for Dublin, resides at Putney Park, near Roehampton. He married a daughter of the late Dr. Crompton, of Eton, near Liverpool,—remembered in the North of England, especially at Derby and Preston, as a stanch Radical. Mr. Hutton is a Fellow and one of the Secretaries of the Geological Society ; a member of the Royal Irish Academy, one of the Council of University College, London, and also of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. Ile is better than all this—an in. telligent, well-informed, and independent man.