Mr. John .Bligh, whose wife ( Mr. Gishorne's daughter) died
lately, is about to return to England from Stockholm ; whither the Honour- able John Bloomfield goes immediately to take his place.
The Marquis of Watei ford sailed on Wednesday from the River in his yacht, on a six months' cruise on the coast of Norway. His Lord- Opp has taken a chosen crew of hardy veterans ; and also boarding. pikes, guns, and pistols, for the purpose of attacking the bears and Other wild beasts which inhabit that region.—Post. [ Where will the Marquis find one so "wild" as himself?] Moore's eldest son, Tom Lansdowne, has got a commission in the Twenty-second Regiment of Foot, IIOW stationed at Buttevant, in Cork.
The corpse of the Dutchess of St. Alban's was conveyed from Town en Monday, on its road to Redbourn Hall, the seat of the Beauelerks. The funeral takes place to-morrow- " The Duke of S. Alban's, Sir F. Burdett, and most of the noble relatives of her Grace, will be present at the ceremony. The procession, which will be pedestrian, will be followed by all the tenantry, who are anxious to pay a last tribute of respect to one who in the hour of need and in the time of distress had always proved herself their best friend sad benefactress. There is a report cur-
rent in the fashionable world, that her Grace has bequeathed to Dr. Yates, her medical attendant, and the brother of Mr. Yates of the Adelphi, the enormous sum of 16,000/. for his attention during her last illuess."—Morniap Post.
Colonel Seymour, of the Guards, was riding a restive horse in St. James's Park, on Wednesday, m hen it reared, fell on his back, and hurt the Colonel seriously.
The annual meeting of tbe British Association for the advancement of science will be held at Liverpool early next month ; the Earl of Burlington, president.
Harrington House, St. James's Palace, is to be pulled down.
Men were engaged in the canal in St. James's Park, yesterday, in boats, dragging for the purpose of catching various sorts of young fish, in order to stock the large fisb-ponds recently made in the new gardens at Buckingham Palace.
William the Fourth, it seems, at his death left to the present King of Hanover, without any reserve, the whole of his revenues accruing from the Civil List of that kingdom.—Post.
The Opera closes this night. Grisi leaves town on Sunday for Hastings, and Tumburini and Albertezzi for Birmingham. There will therefore be no other opera night this season.
Among the new patents just announced, is an instrument applicable to the nicking of horses' tails.