19 AUGUST 1837, Page 14
Arrived—Off Penzance, Aug. 15th, Larkins, Ingram, from Bengal. At Liverpool. 14th, Sulus, Crickmay, from the Cape. At the Cape, May 30th, Sophia, WS air ; and Hindostam Redman, front LOIIIIMI; 31st, Deraent, Nash, from Singapore; June 1st,
Stratheden, Cheap.'. front London; 20, Glenbersie, King. from the ; l'ortsea, Smith; Perfect, Snel L
l ; Hero, 'udy ; Horatio, Caddy; 4th, Courier, Proudfoot ; and Sarah. Sadler, from London.
Sailed—From Drasesetel, Aug. 10th, Wellington, Liddell, for Madras; and .12t11. Thomas Grenville, Thornhill, tor Bengal. From Liserpool, 15th, Hector, Johnson, for Bombay.