SIR,—It may interest your readers to hear of the determined efforts of a mother cat to save her kitten from an untimely death. The two had a luxurious bed on the top of some hay in a barn, but one morning, while the old cat was away, the farm people came, and, not noticing the kitten, buried it under 6 ft. of freshly cut grass. Four hours later I heard of this, and was told that the kitten was dead and buried under the heap of grass. A friend and myself immediately set to work to see if the kitten could still be saved, and we dug downwards into the grass and made a long search, the old cat intently watching our proceedings. No signs of the poor little mite were forthcoming, so reluctantly we gave up the search, and I returned to the house and took up a book intending to read. But the old cat followed me and uttered the most piteous howls, and made me understand clearly that she felt I could find and save her kitten if I would. 'Do look again, I am sure it is there,' she seemed to say, so we went together, and I searched and burrowed diligently, the cat watching the while. This time my efforts were crowned with success, and the kitten emerged none the worse for its adventure, and joy and content reigned in the heart of the mother cat.—I am, Sir, &c., Cogne, Italy, L. GORE.