19 AUGUST 1899, Page 27

MiscErzenEorrs. — Of books of the season we have to notice Notes

on Folkestone, by Arthur E. Larking, M.D. (J. and A. Churchill, Is. 6d.) This book gives the medical and sanitary conditions of Folkestone ; its water-supply, drainage, rainfall and climate generally, death-rate (13-4, a figure which compares favourably with both general and special rates). Dr. Larking gives a list of maladies for which Folkestone air and conditions may be recom• mended. He is laudably guarded in his remarks. One notable observation is that any tendency to alcoholism is encouraged by sea air.—Geneva Guide, by Professor Robert Harvey (C. Ziellner, Geneva), gives an account of the institutions, objects of interest, means of amusement, he., in the Swiss capital.— Illustrated Sporting Books, by J. Herbert Starke (L. Upcott Gill, 7s. 6d.), contains a bibliography of sporting books in alpha- betical order. But where is " Ubique," one of the most interest- ing of writers on angling ? And where is " Sixty-one " (G. H. Rely Hutchinson) with his "Reminiscences of the Lews " ? It must not be supposed, however, that because Mr. Starke's volume is not complete it is not valuable.—America in Hawaii. By Edmund Janes Carpenter. (Sampson Low, Marston, and Co.) —This is the story of the relations between Hawaii and .the United States.