19 AUGUST 1899, Page 27

SCHOOL-BOOK6.—The Age of Blake, edited by L. W. .Lyde (A.

ad C. Black, is.), is one of the series of "'Sea Dog' Readers." It is made up of passages from the "Calendar of State Papers" and " Thurloe's State Papers" (with such modifications as have been found convenient). Some capital stories there are among the contents, "The Battle of Portland," for instance, "The Taking of the Plate Fleet" and "The Retaking of the Friends' Adventure." The verse is taken from Dibdin and others.— From the same publishers we have Man. and Ms Work, by A. J. Herbertson, Ph.D., and F. D. Herbertson, B.A. (2s.), " an Introduc- tion to Human Geography" giving an account of the con- ditions of life under which man exists in various parts of the world the domestic animals which he has, his means of subsistence, ha. —Examination Papers on the Constitutional and General History of England, by J. Tait Wardlaw, M.A. (Methuen and Co., 2e. 6d.), is a volume in the "School Examination Series."