The West Indies were visited last week by a violent
and destructive hurricane, the damage inflicted on the British Colonies in the Leeward Islands proving so exten- sive as to warrant the opening of a Mansion House Fund on behalf of the sufferers. Though full details are still wanting, the loss of life and destruction of property in Montserrat appear to have been terribly severe, while in St. Kitts it is stated that three thousand people are homeless. In formally opening a relief fund at the urgent appeal of the Colonial Secretary, the Lord Mayor has published Mr. Chamberlain's letter in which stress is laid on the "pitiful succession of calamities which have befallen our West Indian Colonies." Mr. Chamberlain points out that while the islands now affected are not those for whom relief was sought last September, they were "already, from other causes, im- poverished and distressed ; that their administration has only been carried on with Imperial aid; and that poor relief has been a growing charge against falling revenues." The brunt of the hurricane, however, seems to have been borne by Porto Rico. Here the deaths already reported are given at two thousand, communication has been cut off with about one-third of the island, and great destitution prevails in the interior, where the people are dying daily from injuries, privation, and lack of food.