19 AUGUST 1949, Page 16

A BOURNEMOUTH HOTEL SIR,—The attention of my Council's Publicity Committee

has been drawn to the note appearing in the Spectator of June 3rd regarding the treatment received by fifty Territorial Army officers at a Bourne- mouth hotel. No one can object to the way in which you have publicised this matter and upon the facts stated in your paper my Committee deplore such treatment Ind support your attitude. The unfortunate feature of matters of this sort inevitably is, and must always be, that a whole town can to a certain extent suffer by the behaviour of a single establishment, and I hatteen requested to inform you that the hotel

in question does not t advantage of any of the services provided by the Council's Publicity Department and is in no way connected with that Department.

I would add that there are any number of hotel proprietors in this town who would have been only too pleased to provide the satisfactory service and attention to which these visitors were clearly entitled, and it is a matter of regret that my Council have no real powers of control

in such circumstances.—Yours faithfully, A. LINDSAY CLEGG, Town Clerk's Office, Bournemouth. Town Clerk.