19 DECEMBER 1840, Page 5

The Dorado steam-boat, with the remains of Napoleon on board,


e The base rests on four massive gilt weeds : it was twenty-five feet long charge of the Prince de Joinville, entered the Seine at Havre on Tues- and six high, and presented the limn of a parallelogram, with a semicircular day week, attended by eleven other boats. On Wednesday it passed platform in front. On this last stood a group of four genii, supporting the BouCm ; where great preparations had been made to do honour to the CrOW11 Of Charlemagne; at the tour angles were four other genii, in relievo, occasion. On the centre of the suspension-bridge over the Seine, a tri- who held garlands with one hand, and with the tither the trumpet of Fame; utnphal arch was erected, covered with violet-coloured cloth ; and pyre.- above were fasces ; in the middle eagles, and the cipher of the Emperor sur- mids of the same material, emblazoned with the names of Napoleon's sic- rounded with crowns. The base and its ornaments were covered with bureirhed tories, formed a line from the suspension-bridge to Pont Neuf. The gold. Archbishop of Rouen, the departmental and municipal authorities, a " The pedestal placed on this Lase was eighteen feet in length by seven in large body of troops, the National Guard of all the neighbouring towns, height ; and entirely covered with gold and purple cloth, with the cipher and and an immense concourse of people, lined the banks of the river. On arms of the Emperor. On both sides huiig. two vcIvet imperial mantles, a the suspension-bridge were placed nearly 1,500 veterans of the old sprinkled with bees Behind was a profusion of tugs. " On this pedestal stood fourteen caryatides, somewhat larger than life, en- army. T he shops throughout the town were closed; and the public tirely gilt over, and supporting with their heads and hands an immense shield. buildings and houses were dressed with flags. The correspondent of These caryatides were placed six on one Side IIIIII Six on the other, back to back, the Times thus describes the ceremonies observed in passing the town— and two others at the extremities. 0 In feet, when the fog, which threatened at one period to prevent the pus- " The shield was in gold, of an elongated oval form, and loadid with fasces sibility of even seeing the steam.boots, cleared away, the coup d'ceil was ad- of javelins. Thimble. At eleven o'clock the smoke of the first steam-boat was awned. " The sarcophagus, of an antique form, was raised above the shield. In the Minute-guns were fired by the artillery of the National Guard stationed on the centre, on a rich cushion, lay the sceptre, the band of justice, and the imperial heights of St. Catherine. The steam .boats, twelve in number, proceeded crown, studded with jewels. slowly up the river. The third in order, the Dorado, cow:lined the remains of e This monument of gold and velvet, about fifty feet high, was drawn by six- Napoleon. The coffin was placed on the fore-deck, and General Bertrand and teen black horses, yoked by fours, and so caparisoned es only to show the ex- the Prince de Joinville stood at its head. The Donnie alone passed under the tremity of the feet. The caparisons were cut in the shape of those of the tour- triumphal areb. The other boats passed at the side. The crews of the Belle nament-horses of the middle ages, and in gold cloth. The manes were adorned Poule and Favourite were distributed on board the other steam-hoats, and with gold trcs€es and white plumes; and valets, dressed in the livery of the formed an interesting spectacle. As the Dorade sailed under the triumphal Emperor, led the horses."

arch, the veterans on the bridge raised the ery of ' Vice Napoleon !' which While waiting for the departure of the cortege in the Avenue de was the only cry I heard. The Dorade was hauled up on the left bank of the Neuilly, a number of veterans of the Old Army, dressed in the uniform river, between the suspension-bridge and the Pont Neuf', where the authorities On the arrival of the Prince de Joinville with his flotilla at Poissy, down the avenue to let him pass. and taking off their hats.

celebrated mass on the deck of the Dorade; at which the population, Duke of Nemoars, at the bead of a 'Revertant of National Guards. which had assembled on the banks of the Seine in immense numbers, eimiieipal Guard. assisted in the most religious silence. :Mourning Carriage, with Alnumer, preceded by Beadle. At twelve o'clock the Prince de Joinville left his station at Poissy Gsnsral Officers on hint. amidst the acclamations of the multitude, and arrived at Maissons at Numerous Military II:eul. pblying Funeral March. Seven o'clock. Charger, 1e.1 by two tlrouois. The funeral cortege arrived at Courbevoie at half-past three on Mon- Three Mourning teaches, belonging to the Coyal Family. day afternoon ; where it was to remain till the landing of the coffin on the following morning. The day wits fine, but bitterly cold ; yet thou- sands of the Parisians repaired to the banks of the Seine to wituess the tee Belle Poule.

approach of the flotilla. As each of the steamers came up, she fired aPI

The wind was so piercingly cold that the workmen were unable to transparent mantle. raise to the top of the ro-tral column of Notre Dame de Grace a ball of Four Admirals :me el:tree:is, ladling the corner of the pall. umphal car. NAPOLEON'S FUNERAL OBSEQUIES. The car itself seems to have been worthy the occasion for which it was constructed: it is thus described-- Platoon of Iefantry.

Eight y-tiVO cavaliers bearing banneti,. each beimr the Lioner of a department. The Prince de dojo N ilk ...11 i.n,I. :It I he litqlti. Of tile sailors of ..s.sle .. r uneral Car, drawn by 1.ixteen horses, covered trill' cloth of gold, and

salute, and then tool( the station assigned to her for the night, on either (Merited with %bite plumes. The Car itrklf with giit figures before, and bank of the river. The decorations on the quay and at the head of banners behind; a select erapery On cue, side, tlw top suppizted also by

the bridge of Neuilly could not be completed in time for the ceremony. gilt figures, IIIIII Ettrmoanted Ly it er,m I), v. 'Licit Ica covered, by a violet the world, six feet in diameter, and a huge eagle which was to crown After the car, followed the old A laes-ee-camp a»:1 civil and military the whole. The column was to have been upwards of 150 feet in offieers belongiug to the Emperor's household ; the Prefects of the height, in three stages, ornamented with trophies and bassi relievi ; hut Seine and of Police, the members t.f. tlt. Sleveral Council, the Mayors the authorities ordered the works to be suspended at five o'clock on of Pelvis and their adjoinee e.e. ; the old eel Iiese of the Imperial Guard Monday evening, and it remained a mere skeleton. Its base only pre- in uniterni, and the ileetent Mil isr011t A jaCela, retired ntilittry men, in sented the following inscription, containing the last request of Napo- utlifbrin. The proee,sion N. ..s C1or,e:1 liy 1,,cp, 'males m' soldiev, in- leon—" I wish my ashes to repose on the banks of the Seine." Next eluding two batteries of artillery. 'the National Guards and troops of to the column were raised three tripods twenty feet high, from which the Line, infailtry, cavalry, .1,0,1 artillery, stationed along the course of arose volumes of flames. The wharf, or debareadere, constructed fur the procession, flamed it eme idles the pee,age of the ear, and closed the landing of the coffin, alms terminated by a Grecian temple, one bun- the procession.

deed feet high. But the most interesting decoration of all was a colossal The deeerations round the Are de elIteile anti on the top of that statue of the Empress Josephine, erected at the extremity of the bridge monument psesenteil (while features of gramletir, without being so of Neuilly, on the road lending to the Chateau de Alalmaison. careful ly e Ili s h ed as 111 igl 1 1 ha v ii built wished. The decorations, in

At five o'clock, Marshal Soult, Admiral Deperre, aid M. Duchatel, general, elong the Clenops Elyt,'es, the Pout de la Coaeorde, and in the arrived at Courbevme and repaired on board the Dorade steamer, to pay Esplaniele iif the levalides, here the minks el iireet hasie in their exe- their homage to the Prince de Joineille. Shortly afterwarts, the Duke melon. The Pont de la t eeleorile W:IS :110 1,I. la( Oa whieh the &cora- de Nemours joined them, and spent the night with his brother. All live talents of the committee ler mai—elms the me:me:lel was most the steamers were illuminated, and the tripods of the tumular boat eisplas ee. There were two lofty columns et each end, sarmounted by

threw out flames during the nigh t. gibled eagles, eight coloisel statues, and a pri,fusion of bational lialmers. The Prince de Joinville remained on board, and only a few of the On the summit of the Are tie lEtelle wee ;t lolly canvass eeeoration sailors were allowed to land. One man, however, came ashore by repreeenting Namileon lietbre his throne, surrounded by allegorical special leave ; who no sooner set his flint on the quay than he was stir- figures ; and, although not quite laree t ;emelt, the (elect at a dis- rounded and embraced by all the Generals, in presence of ell the troops. tance wes good. Bound the pavenneit en, iieeing the are were placed

This man, Sergeant Hubert, had never abandoned the Ern perer dead or Ion y rok ., bearing tricolunred pen ii At the 1110:11V3It when the alive : after the demise of Napoleon, he assigned to himself the mission niiiiesil esti stupped for a short per:ed mister tee orch way itself, the of guarding his tomb, which he had piously discharged ever since the . eilect ees grand in the extreme. Lotbl shouts of " Vive l'Emperetir !" 5th of May 1821. Hubert was dressed in the uniform of the Grout- rent tic air. Some youlie men at thei , is.; me meted to get up a cry diers of the Imperial Guard, and wore the decoration of the Legion a oi. " A bus Le elinistres I e has Glee.; : " but i hey found nobody lo Honour. , join with them ; anl though their noise 0 uTis.,1 ,,,Ilie of the female On the following morning at an early hour, the population of :Levis portion of the spectators, order was ,peceily resewed, mid the procession poured out in thousands on the road to Courbevoie; but as the passoge . moved on.

en the bridge of Neuilly had been interrupted, the people could not Nu description (according to the Tes, s) can give al, adequate idea of proceed further in that way, though many crossed the river in boats. the enthusiasm which this cerrnmay exeit«1. Everywhere on the pas-

. the clergy of Courhevoie went on board the Dorade about hall-past saee of the hearse the louthet acelemations resounded, and cries of nine, and read prayers over the body. The Prince de Joinville then " Viet. eEmpereur I" rent the air. particularly Nv hen it reached the tri- gave orders to land ; when all the assistants, preceded by die clergy, umphal arch. The Prime, de Jeinville It se exeeedingly well re..eivcd, went on shore, and twenty-four seamen of the Belle Poole having raised but not a cry of" Vire he Itoi : " was tittered. the coffin on their shoulders, followed the procession. The artillery Amongst the persons in tile procession who attracted particular at- Bred a salute of twenty-one rounds, and the corpse was landed amid the tention, was Marshal Gerard, s% ho was tuteuded by a numerous and acclamations of the troops and the people. This was the first piece brilliant staff. Count Montalivet appeared at the head of the cavalry 'where the remains touched the French ground. They were conveyed of the National Guard, if which Ile is die Coloeel. in his costume of to the Grecian temple; and after lying there in state for a short time, Peer of Preece. The Prince de Renville and the crew of the frigate La Belle Poule were the objects of peculiar interest ; and the eighty- six eagles which represented the eighty-six departments of France, and which were carried before the funeral car, excited universal admi- ration.

A feeling of apprehension generally prevailed in the morning that there would be an emeute ; but the only attempt of the kind was made by a band of medical and law students, who having applied to be per- mitted to join the procession, and been refused, determined on attending in a body, and formed a procession of their own. From the moment the march commenced until they reached the Place de la Concorde, they continued singing " La Marseillaise," and vociferated after each strophe cries of " Death to the English, and to the Ministere de rEtranger." Their rage, however, was particularly directed against M. Guizot, whom they loaded with all sorts of imprecations and the most opprobrious epithets. A National Guard having attempted to wrest the banner from the hands of the bearer, was nigh paying with his life for his imprudence. Unsupported by his cotnrades, he was soon • disarmed and knocked down, and finally taken by the four limbs and thrown into a ditch on the side of the road ; by which means he escaped being trodden to death by the crowd. The students accompanied the pro- cession as far as the Place de la Concorde, and then ascended the Rue :Royale and the Boulevards, still singing the " Marseillaise," as far as the hotel of the Foreign Office ; where they vociferated cries of " Death to Guizot! " " Guizot it la lanterne!" " Guizot a la Tamise ! " " Mort au Traitre de 1815 ! " " Vive ! " atc. No one seemed to join them in their hostile demonstrations, which were generally treated as merely the outpourings of boyish spirits. The people conducted them- selves as at any other public exhibition. The feelings of the crowds aesembled in the Place de la Concorde are thus described by the re- porter of the Times- " In the first instance it was expected that the procession would reach the Place de Is Concorde by ten o'clock, as his Majesty Louis Philippe (according to the official announcement) was to arrive at the Invalides precisely at eleven. it was, however, a quarter past one before it made its appearance at the former; and the spectators had full time to exercise their patience under the influence of a temperature as cold as that experienced at the funeral of the Duke of York. In the interval the natural buoyancy of the French character, and their love of fetes, kept hope alive, and they managed to spend (kill) the time as agreeably as possible. Some derived amusement from the &caking down of over-loaded benches and rickety chairs; others from the dislodgment of boys and adults from young and old trees ; and others from the administra- tion of a petit verre or other cordial from the numerous ambulatory fountains of refreshment, whose harvest must have been considerable on this occasion. In the catZs along the line every thing rose a hundred per cent., and in many instances it Ives impossible to obtain a supply upon any terms. The wise ones, who brought a stock of cakes or other provisions, sat down wherever they could, and regaled themselves, in expectation of the coming event."

The scene in the interior of the Hotel of the Invalides, where the body is deposited, wus the most solemn and imposing of the whole cere- mony. We take the account from the correspondence of the Times- " In the interior of the beautiful chapel of the Invalides' he effect was most striking. The whole of the nave carpeted in black, with seats arranged en amphitheritre on each side filled with militaq, and up the side-aisles, between the pillars, were numerous rows of benches all occupied by a multitude in deep mourning. Between the pillars were hung black draperies embroidered with silver borders and deep silver fringe ; a large lustre hung in the centre of each, whose many lights shone brilliantly in relief against the dark draperies. The pillars were ornamented with gilded trophies, the names of Napoleon's victories, Austerlitz, Wagram, &c.; and on each side of the pillars were three large tri- coloured flags. The upper tribunes, containing thousands of people, were also bung with black, embroidered with silver border and golden emblems; and, surmounting each division in these tribunes, was a black medallion, surrounded with laurels, on which were inscribed in golden letters the principal acts of the Emperor's life. Above these medallions, and extending all round the nave were immense numbers of flags taken in different battles. From the door Of en- trance up to the rails of the choir were placed at short distances enormous candelabra, twelve or fourteen feet high, from which issued brilliant-coloured flames. The choir and dome, which form perhaps more than half the church, separated from the nave by a flight of steps, were hung with purple cloth from the ground to the summit, and brilliantly lighted with hundreds of lustres. In the centre of the choir, in front of the altar, was erected the splendid cata- falque—a representation in gilded wood of the tomb that is to be erected iu marble, supported by four pillars, and surmounted by a golden eagle with out- spread wings. "The stands were filled by eleven o'clock, and it was not until two o'clock that the procession reached the quay. Never was sight during this interval of three hours less appropriate to the occasion than the spectacle we had before us. The intense cold rendered movement necessary for fear of being frozen to the spot, and to keep themselves warm the spectators in the stands began to dance. The mania gained the crowd below ; and for a long time the troops of the Line and the National Guards were joining in one general contredanee, or an enormous ponde a la main.

" At one o'clock, the cannon announced the departure of the King from the Tuilleries ; and at two, the procession entered the church, headed by the Prince do Joinville with the four hundred mariners of' the Belle Poele, remarkably

handsome-looking men. The clergy, beaded by the Archbishop of Paris, awaited the arrival of the body. This was decidedly the most striking and beautiful moment of the whole ceremooy ; the steps leading up to the choir lined on both sides with the military and the old invalids, so many of whom bad fought under Napoleon ; the whole of the aisle filled on both sides with troops; and all down the centre of the steps and part of the aisle, the body of clergy standing in religious silence, awaiting the entrance of the corVare. The

Archbishop's attitude would have made a lovely picture—his eyes fixed on the cross, that was carried on high before him, and his hands joined in prayer, ap-

parently heedless of the crowds around him, called one's thoughts from the pageantry of the scene to higher things. Most of the curds of Paris were also an the procession ; and the appearance of so ninny of those good ministers of

peace among the multitudes of military funned a beautiffil and striking con-

trast. The drums rolled, the cannons shook the old walls of the Invalides, and then the muffled drums came slowly and solemnly up the aisle. At last the coffin came in sight, borne by several of the marines of the Belle Poole and some of the old Invalids, and the four corners by his old friends Bertrand, Marchand, Lascases, and —, (the name is not given.) The coffin was co- vered with purple velvet and a large white cross; and the imperial crown was

laid on it, covered with black crape. The moment the coffin passed, there was a strong demonstration of enthusiasm and acute feeling: every one rose up and

bent forward, but not a word was uttered; a religious silence prevailed. la

front of the magnificent white and gold organ was erected a large platform for the mosicians ; mud As soon as the body was brought up to the choir and the muss begao' Mozart's celebrated Reqeion was perffirmed by all the principal singers of the Italian and French Operas. An interestieg sight also was the arrival of the venerable old Mar6cbal Moncey, who had long since expressed his ardent wish that he might live to see this day. He is in a very infirm state, and they say has been nursing himself with great care, to be able to encounter the fatigue of being present to receive the remains of his beloved master. He arrived in a chair on wheels, and was with great difficulty lifted up the steps into the choir. It was a curious incident in the beginning of the day to see the little bustling M. Thiers strutting about in his cloak, and collecting a crowd round him in the middle of the church to hear him talk with M. Mold, as if he had been in a salon.

" At the conclusion of the mass, the sacred water was sprinkled upon the catafidque by the Archbishop ; it was handed to some of the Marshals and older officers near, to go through the same rite, according to the observances of the Catholic funeral-service. It was long before the chapel was in any degree cleared. The crowd lingered still behind, and turned again and again to look at the coup d'ceil of the burning wax-lights, the chapelle ardente, the illumi- nated catafalque, and the long vista of funereal pomp. Curiosity was, as usual, the only predominant feeling: devotion was, generally speaking, quite out of the question ; and of enthusiasm I could not see a glimpse. The only words that reached my ears were exclamations of curiosity from the ladies, a fewAioli- Bea] speculations from the gentlemen around me, or such remarks as Hush, that's Grisi's voice." How charmingly Duprez sings,' &c."

The King does not appear to have taken a conspicuous part in the ceremonial ; though some of the reports assign him the office of re. ceiving the body "in the name of France," at the entrance of the Htitel of the Invalides. The Times reporter did not see him, but heard that he was there. Galignani's Messenger says the King and the Royal Family did not go up the nave, but proceeded directly to the throne: he was dressed in the uniform of the National Guard. The Queen and Princesses were also present.