The Britannia mail-steamer, which left Boston on the 1st instant,
and Halifax on the 3d, arrived at Liverpool soon after One o'clock yesterday morning; having made the passage across in eleven days and eight hours.
The political news which she brings is not of importance. The elec- tion for President was to take place on the 1st December. but the re- sult will not lie fermally announced till February : there was no doubt about it, however. President Van Buren's message to Congress was to be delivered on the 8th instant ; and it was expected that it would make some di,clesures idative to the financial condition of the country. General Harrison w111 not take oliice till the 4th of' March ; but his Cabinet is already the subject of keen discussion, and lists are even given of the members of' whom it will probably be composed. The supporters of Mr. Clay and Mr. Webster claim thr each a large share of' influence in the nev.- Ministry. The American papers represent money matters as being in a more satisfactory state; but private advices tell a different story. The re- sumption of specie payments by the banks still remained to he talked of. Exchange on London was 81 to g'; ; oa France, 5 francs 17.i cen- times to 5 francs 20 centimes. United St des Bank Shares were quoted at 651 to lie but sales were flat at those rates.
By the Britannia we have news from Texas to the 15th Novem-
ber. The of the President to Cenereqs gives a tiretcring ac- count of the a ii of am umig repubiie in population and rfsourecs, The ilerve: ;! m;riettititre was extehding itself in every i:::••.H•iv. Th • Government um, well us tic people halexile- a!t,...'.rr..—!10.:11. from the dera:tgetitentis and ciisteadium-s ef their c:Irret,:a : Loan Cormnioners hu,l not yet. Iteen nide to effect a ,;•.1.• ,,r ,r1,1s. Pr,"..1,1,,nt. /1..precates a war (vith Mexico, as eale111:1'..•,1 I .711.'1' I', ‘•:,;14.1r1",1“; :h., commissionersiii negotiating a loan, and a .%•■■1%•.i:v, the mi ttiOn ID go it ,!i•tress on account or its pe-
cuniary diffice!•ee, : for vu ii reason le: rn mends a further attempt.
to reconcile :11.: tn other-country by nm!,,:iiitii,71S.