19 DECEMBER 1846, Page 8



The English Funds experienced a downward fluctuation of nearly / per cent.. This decline was occasioned by a rise in the corn-market, ccisequent upon some extensive purchases of-flour and wheat by the French Government, and a report of the immediate increase of the Army by 10,000 men. The tendency to im- provement in the foreign exchanges occasioned by the operations above alluded to has been counteracted by the remittances necessary to meet the large amount now in course of payment as the call upon the Pans and Lyons Shares; the 'ex- change upon Paris being lower today. The price of the English, however, 'has improved, and the closing quotations of this afternoon are within 4 per cent of the highest prices previous to the decline. Our quotations have also been influenced by the improvement in the Money-market in Paris, and the very flourishing state of our own revenue- the payments into the Exchequer during the last few weeka having, it is understood, been larger than those dunng any corresponding quarter for many years. There is no change in the rate of interest, or in the premium of Exchequer Bills. In the Foreign Market, the business has been more extensive than usual. An- impulse of more than 1 per cent was given to Mexican Bonds on Wednesday, by some extensive purchases. The intelligence received yesterday of the capture of Tampico has thrown prices again back, and the quotations of this afternoon are but little above our last. The transactions in Portuguese Bonds have been un- important. Till this afternoon, the tendency was downwards; hot we have to notice an improvement of about 1 per cent in the course of today. Spanish Stocks have advanced, and are today in better demand. The speculative por- tion of the public are now attached to the Railway Shares, to the neglect of al- most every variety of Foreign Bonds. In the Railway Share Market, some very large transactions have occurred, but principally in the minor description of Shares. Of these the Birmingham and Oxford Junction are preeminent both for extent of business and advance of price. The premium has been as high as 84; but few transactions have occurred in them. for the last few days, as the attention of the brokers and jobbers has been diverted to the settlement of the account, which occurred today. From the length of time that has elapsed since the Scrip was called in for registration, the bargains now in course of arrangement extend over a period of four months. The multitude of business to be arranged is immense, and the differences of corresponding =gni- tude. In connexion with this establishment, one failure has been,declared today. Several brokers have, we understand, suffered severely by the defalcation of prin- cipals, who, having sold Shares at the low prices, are either unable or unwilling to deliver them.

The Foreign Shares are i generally much firmer. Some of the French Shares are materially higher, and all are more n demand than for some time; a natural result of the great improvement in the money-market in Paris, and the general reviver in Shares there. The market here has not yet evinced any great signs of an ex- tensive resumption of business; which, though prices have advanced, is stilt limited.


There is no material change either in the English or Foreign Funds. The in- telligence by the Lisbon mail is unimportant; and no transactions of note have occurred in Portuguese Bonds, the pnce of which is the same as yesterday; the market being rather firmer. The Railway Market is without change; and we can as yet only notice the occurrence of the following bargains: Birmingham and Oxford Junction, 10/ 4; Bristol and Exeter, New, 7; North-western, Quarter- shares, 144 4; South-western, 634; Ditto, Scrip, 54; North British, Thirds, 334; North Staffordshire, 84; Orleans, Tours, and Bordeaux, 84; Paris and Lyons, 543.

SATURDAY, Two o'CLocz. The English Funds close at a depression of A per cent upon our morning's quo- tations. The only change in the Foreign Market is in Portuguese Bonds; which are rather firmer' having been done at 874, and being last quoted at 384. The Share Market has been in a quiet state, and the transactions unimportant. The- following are the principal bargains occurring since the morning- Caledoniart 294; Ditto, Half-shares, 24; Eastern Counties, 224 4; Ditto, New, 74; Ditto', York Extension, 84; Great Western, Quarter-shares, 174; London and North-

western, 19544; London and BLeckwall, 84; London and Greenwich, 94; Lon- don and South-western, 634 24 3; Midland, New, 314; York and North Mid- land, Half-shares, 464; Datch-Rhenish, 44; Great Northern of France, Con- stkuted, 104: Orleans and Vierzon, 134; Orleans and Bordeaux, 84; Sambre and Meuse, 44; Tours and Nantes, Constituted, 41.

3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account ....ex dlr

8 per Cent Reduced

31 per Lents Long Annuities

abut 931 1 94 1 95i I 9113-16

Diuilsh 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents

Ditto 1 per Cents.

Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 New Grenada

86 601 924 234 44 39 41

Bank Stock 206 Portuguese New 5p. Cts. 1841 37 9 Exchequer Bills prem. 10 13 Ditto 4 per Cents 1845 38 40 India Stock shut Russian 5 per Cents III 112 Brazilian 5 per Cents 857 Spanish (Active) 5 per cents

264 1

Belgian 41 per Cents 941 51 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 374 8 Chilion 6 per Cents 957 Venezuela 39 41 Columbian ex Venezuela • . • 15 16