A telegram was received in London on Saturday announcing .
a disaster in the Punjab. It is from Sir Hugh Rose, and announces that on 20th November Sir Neville Chamberlain, in command of the Eusofzye Field Force, attacked by the Boneir tribe, repulsed them with the loss of 7 officers and 128 men killed and wounded. He himself was wounded, and, giving up the command to Major- General Garvock, had written for fresh troops to relieve those which have suffered. He has 5,000 men with him, and is "entrenched in a commanding position and defended by 13 guns." It appears from a curious "Journal of an Officer" republished in Allen's Indian Mail, that the force entered the Umbeyla pass on 20th October, and from the correspondence of the Times that on 26th October they were attacked by 3,000 Boneirs, who were defeated with a loss of 5 officers and 85 men killed and wounded. The attack reported by Sir Hugh Rose is, therefore, the last of a series, and Chamberlain has probably lost some 20 officers and at least 500 men, while the troops are worn with fatigue and sleep- lessness. Reinforcements will, of course, be hurried forward from Lahore.