A Letter to the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P.,
on the Present State of the Church Question. By the Rev. Christopher Nevile. (Arthur Miall.)—Mr. Nevile, by resigning valuable Church preferment, has given proof of his sincerity, and we are happy to assure him that there is not a word in this pamphlet which "can be deemed personally offen- sive to any one." His opinion is that we should resort substantially to the voluntary system, and allow every clergyman to put his own con- struction on the Scriptures, abolishing subscription, articles, and even the compulsory use of liturgical forms. He does not, however, pro- pose to secularize the Church property, but distribute it in aid of the voluntary system, without reference to the opinions of the clergyman. If we understand Mr. Nevile aright, the congregation would ask the minister charged with the distribution for aid, and he would distribute in proportion to the poverty of the congregations. Public opinion is scarcely ripe for this.