The Stock Market opened with considerable firmness at the commencement
of the week, but on the threatening position of the Turco-Greek question becoming known, a panicky feeling prevailed, especially as regards foreign bonds, and prices gave way considerably. Yesterday the adverse movements were very decided. Consols closed flat, with strong sellers at 925 for the January account. Turkish Five per Cents. of 1865 show a fall of 25, and the Six per Cents. of nearly 4 per cent., ou the week. Italian Five per Cents. are 5 lower, but Spanish Stocks have ruled steady. The Railway Share Market has been quiet, and the quotations have given way in many instances. The principal fluctuations, however, have taken place in Metropolitan Stock. There has been a moderate demand for money in the open market, at 21, per cent. for the best short-dated paper. The stock of bullion in the Bank of England is now £18,158,315; in the Bank of France, 245,757,000.