The only hint which has yet transpired as to the
method to be adopted with the Sultan is this. His Majesty will be requested to issue certain decrees, by every Ambassador in succession, all employing as closely as possible the same terminology. He will be required to give a final answer within a specified time, and upon his refusal or demand for further delays all the Ambassadors of Europe will demand their passports, leaving, we presume, the protection of all white men in the hands of the American Embassy. If this striking and dramatic rebuke impresses the Sultan, or in- duces his Army to dismiss him, well ; bat if not, the Powers will announce that they can hold no further intercourse with a Sovereign who is so regardless alike of their friendly counsel and of the interests of peace in Europe,—in other words, they will secure the abdication of Abd-nl-Hamid by moral force. We do not pretend to know diplomatic secrets, and have, in fact, deduced this programme from separate and scattered hints, some of which may be conjectural ; but it fits the facts, it reveals a sensible and moderate policy, and it postpones to the last moment that dropping of shells in Yildiz Kiosk which will happen in the end if Europe is defied.