[To THE EDITOR 07 THE " SPECTATOR.”) SIR,—In your admirable article on President Wilson's Message (Spectator, December 12th) you say : "America's Regular Army should practically consist of Artillery and Engineers." It will interest you to hear that every cadet at West Point in his four-year course receives the same instruc- tion in the four arms of the Service and graduates in them all, the most efficient passing into the Engineers, the next into the Artillery, and the others having the choice of cavalry and infantry in accordance with their class standing. In so far as the Academy can give it to him, the youngest Lieutenant of infantry gets the same education in engineering, gunnery, and horsemanship as the brilliant engineers who (led by Colonel Goetbals) are entitled to the credit of designing and building
the Panama Canal.—I am, Sir, dtc., S. R. H.