WE have received from Messrs. T. J. and J. Smith (26 Charter- house Square, E.C.) a selection of the diaries which they publish. Their list shows an enormous number of different
. (I) The Voyages of Captain Scott. By Charles Turley. London: Smith, Elder, and Co. [6a. net.;— (2) Told in Gallant Deeds: a Child's History of the War. By Mrs. Belloc Lowndes. London: James Nisbet and Co. [5s. net.] —(31 With French at the Front. By Captain F. S. Brereton. London : Blackie and Son. [3s. 6d.]—(4) A Hero of Liege. By Herbert Strang. T.ondon : Henry Frowde and Hodder and Stoughton. 3s, 6d.]—(5) The Dreadnought of the Air. By Percy F. Westerman. Lon on : Partridge and Co. [69.1— — (6) " Dormitory Eight." By R. S. Warren Bell. London: A. and C. Black.. [3s. 6d. net.]—(?) Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. By Lewis Carroll. Loudon Philip Lee Warner. Ll5n. net.] sorts—over three hundred in all—varying in price from a few pence to as many shillings. They are designed to serve many purposes, especial attention being given to those intended for commercial and household use.—Messrs. John Walker (5 Warwick Lane, E.C.) are perhaps best known for their " loose-leaf " diaries, which have long been recognized for their convenience. Besides specimens of these, they have sent us diaries and pccket.books of many other kinds, all of them useful and especially attractive in appear- ance. Their prices range from sixpence to fifteen shillings. —We have also before us examples of various sizes of the " Onoto" and other diaries published by Messrs, De La Rue (110 Bunhill Row, E.C.), who have provided a skilful combination of usefulness and portability.—Messrs. Hudson and Kearns (Stamford Street, S.E.) send us some of their very convenient writing-pads, which serve at once as blotters and diaries for the desk. Those actually under notice vary from two to eight shillings in price, and many other sorts are available.—The Churchman's Almanac's for 1915 has reached us from the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (Northumberland Avenue, W.C.). It is published in many different shapes at different prices from a penny upwards. The same publishers also issue many other calendars and almanacks which for their various purposes should be invaluable.—From Messrs. A. R. Mowbray (28 Margaret Street, W.) we have received a very large selection of their admirably produced calendars and Christmas cards, many of them most attractively illustrated.—We have also received some cards from Messrs. A. M. Davis (11 Finsbury Square, E.C.).—Finally, we may draw our readers' attention to the striking cards issued by Messrs. Raphael Tuck for the National Relief Fund, to which the proceeds derived from their sale will be devoted.