19 DECEMBER 1925, Page 1


THE decision of the League of Nations on the Iraq -I- Boundary is unanimously in faVour of the British claim. The NOrthern frontier" of Iraq is to be the Brussels line ; in other words, the Mosul vilayet will be part of Iraq. -A condition of this ruling, however, is that Great Britain shall continue to hold -the mandate if necessary for twenty-five"-years. The _twenty-five years period will be cut short if Iraq joins the League. The Turkish representativeS 'refused to' attend the meeting of the council at which. -the: decision was announced. Sir 'Aniferi ChaMbeilain said that now that there was 'a common ground for negotiation Great Britain would do all she could to discuss matters with Turkey and `try to make relations between the two 'countries " easier and safer." *