19 DECEMBER 1925, Page 19


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] S111,—T am desired by my Committee to send you the expres- sions of their sincerest thanks for your kind action in reference to our Christmas Appeal. You were good enough to start a Subscription List with a donation of £10 10s., and this list has now reached the sum of £201. This generous response will enable us this year to meet many cases of distress amongst the Clergy families which otherwise we should not have been able to meet. I feel sure that it will be a real satisfaction both to your readers and to yourself, to know this. –I am, Sir, &c., MANDEVILLE B. PHILLIPS. 38 Tavistock Place, Tavistock Square, W.C. 1.

[In addition to the 146 15s. acknowledged last week the following donations have been received by us or sent direct to the Corporation as a result of our appeal : Thos. T• Champion, Esq., £2 ; Lady Doverdale 13 ; W. F. Rawnsley, Esq., £3 3s. ; Mrs. Henry Schlesinger, 15 ; Sir Louis Pearson, 15 5s. ; W. W. Lupton, Esq., £1 ls. ; M. J. G., 12 ; Miss Rosa S. Hue, £2 ; Mrs. Fawcett, 15 ; Mrs. W. S. Walford, £2 2s. ; Mrs. Johnson, £1 /s. ; " R " £1 ; E. S. Rashleigh, Esq., 210 ; Anonymous, 1100 ; Miss E. R. Sykes, £5 5s. ; Mrs. Cox, 11; M. N., £10 ; Dr. Faithful Smith, £5. We shall not be able to announce next week any donations received later than Monday morning.—En. Spectator.]