GIBBON. By the Rt. Hon. J. M. Robertson. (WattS. 3s.
6d. net.)
Ix this concise and energetic study, new facts. discovered by
General Meredith Read and others, which throw a new light upon the character of the great historian, are, for the first time, brought together in convenient form. " I sighed as a lover and obeyed as a son," flits been so often quoted against Gibbon as a self-proof of his Cipediency, that it is surprising to learn 'that in describing the romantic episode Of his youth, he
deliberately made a misstatement; and as a generous friend, in manly fashion took upon himself all the blame. In demolishing rival or inimical arguments, Mr. Robertson writes with a customary vigour that; whatever our opinions may be, is at leait exhilarating.