The temptation to assume a crack in morale in Germany,
in view of the German reverses in the east, should still be resisted. There are, it is true, one or two encouraging signs. As lately as October the German official radio was declaring that " winter may bring changes, but to the German advantage. But before winter comes Russia will be so badly shattered that neither she nor her friends will care to talk about the seasons." Now not only is " a straightening of the front," and " the transition from offensive to positional warfare " announced, but the ominous word " retreat " is being openly and officially used. It is easy to con- clude that this must have a grave effect on morale at home, but the plain fact is that there is no means of knowing whether it is having that effect or nix. Very little reliable news gets out of Germany. What does get out would be important if it were all of one tenor, but actually the reports conflict seriously. We must suspend judgement about the state of Germany still.
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