Crisis at Christmas
Sir: At Christmas time, when all men of goodwill are peculiarly aware of the power of love. may we appeal through your columns on behalf of men and women whose personal problems render them unable to cope with the pres- sures of modern life. For many people, Christmas will consist in a choice between a doorway or a derelict building for their bed. and a soup kitchen or a station bench for their home. We are concerned too about those who face a Christ- mas of loneliness and despair through personal inadenuacy.
As representatives of the under- mentioned agencies we are sup- porting joint action for the socially isolated this Christmas. We hone your readers will join us by send- ing a donation to : 'Crick at Christmas'. Williams and Glvn's Bank, 26 Cavendish Square, Lon- don
Tony Smvthe General Secretary. National Coun- cil for Civil Liberties Nicholas Reacock trisis at Christmas. 36 St Georges House, Gunthorpe Street, El