Sergeant Jackson, the Solicitor-General for Ireland, was elected Member for Dublin University on Friday. He was nominated by Dr. Hodgkinson and seconded by Sergeant Warren ; and, there being no other candidate, was declared duly elected. In returning thanks, he stated his reasons for leaving the electors of Bandon : he had given a pledge in 1834, that if Baron Lefroy or the Recorder vacated their seats, he would offer himself to the constituency of the University.
Mr. Thomas Dickson, the father of the Irish bar, has written a letter to the Dublin Evening Packet, in consequence of the slighting manner in which Mr. O'Connell spoke, in the late debate on judicial resignations, about the address of the bar to Chief Justice Bushe on his retirement. Mr. O'Connell said that no great weight could be attached to such ad- dresses ; and that the meeting of the bar was scantily attended. No fewer, says Mr. Dickson, than two hundred attended ; others took the most lively interest in the matter; three hundred were present when Chief Justice Bushe received the address ; and more would have been there but that the Chief Justice was not expected to receive it in per- son, as he mistrusted his command over his feelings, but was at the last moment persuaded to indulge his brethren.