Acland, Sir T. Dyke Bunbury, Thomas Estcourt, T. G. B.
Hope, G. W. Acland,T. Dyke Barrel], Sir Chas.M.Faruhrun, E. Basil liernby, John Ackers, James Burroughee, H. N. Fellowes, Edward Hoskins. Kedgwiu Acton, Colonel Campbell, Sir Hugh Ferrand, W. Busfeild Howard, Hon. H. Adore. Viscount Campbell. Alex. Filmer, Sir Edmund Hughes, W. B. Adderley, C. BowyerOaruegie. Hon. Capt.Fitzroy. Captain Inglis, Sir Robert H. Alexander, NathanielCayley,E.StillingileetFleming. John W. Irani, Samuel Alford, Viscount Chapman, Alarm Follett, Sir W. Webb James, Sir Walter C.
Allis. John Peter Charteris, Hon. F. Frulliott. John Jermyn, Earl Autrobus. Edmund Chelsea, Viscount Forbes, William Jocelyu, Viscount Arcbdall, Mervyn Chetwode, Sir John Forester, Hn G. C.W.Johoson, Wm. G. Arkwright, George Cholmondeley,Hn.H.Forman, T. Seatou Johuetone, Sir John Ashley. Lord Christmas, William Fuller, Augustus E. Johnstone. Hope Ashley, Hon. Henry Christopher R. AeamGaskell, Jas Mimes Jolliffe, Sir Wm. G. Astell, William Chute, Wm. L.W. Gladstone. Hu. W. E Jones. Captain Attwood, John Clayton, Sir Wm. R. 0 dson, Ric; ard Kelburue, Viscount Attwood, Matthias Clayton. Rice It. Gordon. Hon. Capt. Kemble, Henry Bagge, William Clerk, Sir George Gore, Molitague Kirk. Peter Begot, Hon. William Clive, Hon. Robt. H. Gore, W. Knatchbull, Sir E. Bailey, Joseph Cochmne, Alexander Gore, Wm. Ormsby Knight, H. Gaily Bailey, Joseph jun. Cockburn. Hu. Sir G.Goring. Charles Knight. Fred. Winn Colonel Codriogton, C. W Goulburn. Rt. Hn. H.Knightley, Sir C. Baillie, H. J. Cole, Hon. Arthur fl Graham, Hon. Sir J. Law. Hon. C. Ewan Baird, William Collett, W. Bickford Gmuby. Marquis of Lawson. Andrew
Baldwin C. Barry Colville, C. Robert Grant, Sir A. Cray Leg!;. G. Cornwall Balfour. Maitland Compton, H. Combe Greenall, Peter Leicester, Earl of
Bankes, George Connolly, Colonel Greene, Thomas Lena x, Lord A. Baring. Hort. W. B. Coote, Sir Charles 11 Gregory, W. II. Liddell. Hoe. H. T. Barneby, John Copeland, Mr. Aid. Grinisditch, Thomas Lincolu, Earl of Barrington, Viscount Corry, Rt. Hon. H. Grimston. Viscount Litton, Edwaid Baskerville, T. B. M.Courtenay, Viscount Grogan, Edward Lockhart. William Bateson. Sir Robert Cresswell. Baker Hale. It. Blagdeu Long. Walter Beckett, William Cripps, William Halford. Henry Lopes. Sir Ralph Bell, Matthew Crosse, T. Bright :Hamilton, C. J. B. Lowther, John H. Benett, John Darner, Hon. Cul. Hamilton, James Lowther Hon. Col.
Bentinek, Lord G. Darby, George Hamilton, W. J. Lyall, Geer.° Beresford, Captain Dawney, Hon. W. H. Hamilton, Ld. Claud Lygon, Hon. Gen. Beresford. Major Denison, E. Beckett Hamner, Sir John Mackeszie, Thos. Blackburue, J. I. Dick, Quiroiu Harcourt, George G. Mackenzie. W. F. Blackstone, W. S. Dickinson,Fraccis H.Hardinge, Ho. Sir H Mackiunon, W. A. Blake, Martin J. Disraeli, Benjamin Hardy, John - Maclean. Donald
Blakemore, Richard Dodd, George Makes, Thomas M'Grachy, F.Alleyne Bodkin, W. Henry Douglas, Sir Howard Hayes, Sir Edmund Mahon. Viscount Bodkiu. Jelin James Douglas, Sir Chill. E Heathcote, Gilbert J. Maiuwaring, T. Bolden), Henry G. Douglas, Jas. D. S. Heatheute, Sir W. Manners, Lord C.S.
Borthwick, Peter Douro, Marquis of Heneage, G. H. W. Milliners, Lord John Botfleld, Beath Dowdeswell,%Villiam Heneage, Edward March, Earl of. Bowes, Johu Drummond, H. HomeHenley. J. W. Marsham. Viscount Bradshaw, James Duffield, Thomas Hepburn, Sir T. B. Martin, C. Wykeham Bramston, Thos. W. Duncembe, Hon. A. Herbert, Hu. Sidney Marlyn, C. Cecil Bruadley, Henry Thincombe, Hon. 0. Hill, Sir Rowland Marion, George Broadwood„ Henry Du Pre, C. George Hillsborough, Earlof Master, T. W. C. Brodie, W. Bird East, James Buller Horde, J. Hodgson Maeterman, John Brownrigge, J. S. Eaton, R. Jefferson Hodgson, Frederick Mauusell, T. Philip Bruce, Lord Ernest Egerton, W. Tattou Hodgson, Richard Meyuell Captain Bruce, C.L.CummiugEgerton, Sir Philip Hogg, James Weir Miles. Philip W. S. Bruen, Colonel Egerton, Ld. Francis Houldeworth;Thos. Miles, William Bock, Lewis W. Eliot, Lord Holmes. Hu.ArCourt Manes, R. Monckton Buckley, Edmund Emlyn, Viscount Hope, Hon. Chas. Mitchell, T. Alex. Bailer, Ste J.'Yarde Elmo% Bickham Hope, Alexander. Mordeunt, Sir John Morgan, Octavius Price. Richard Sibtliorp, Colonel Tyrell, Sir J. Tyner)
Morgan, Charles Pringle. Alexander Smith, Abel Vera, Sir C. /Melte
Mundy. E. Miller Prom Philip Smyth. Sir George Verner, • 'olooel Murray. C. It. Scott Rae;Hoo. Sir W. Smythe. lion. G. Vernon. G. Harcourt Noeld, Joseph Ramsay. W.Itamsay Smollett, Alex. Villiers. Viscount Neel& John Raehleigh, Wm. Somerset, Lord G. Vivian, John Ennis Neville, Ralph Reside. W. Morris Somerton. Viscount Waddiugton. H. S. , Newry. Viscount Reid, Sir John Rae &them, T. H. S. Walsh, Sir John B. Nicholl, Rt. Hon. J. Repton, G. W. J. Stanley. Lord Welby, Wynne E. Norreys, Lord Richards. Richard Stanley, Edward Westenra, Hn, H. R. Northland, Viscount Rolleston, Colonel Stewart. John Whitmore, T. C.
O'Brien. A. Stafford Rose. lion. Sir G. Stuart, Henry Wilbraham, R. IL Ossulstou. Lord Round, C. Gray Sturt. H. Charles Wilmot, Sir John R. Owen. Sir John Round. John Sutton, Hon. H. M. Wodehouse, Edmond Parke, Charles W. Rous, lion. Captain Taylor. Thomas E. Wood. Colonel Paget. Lord Wm. Reshbrooke, Colonel Taylor. J. Arthur Wood, Colonel T Pakiagton, John S. Russell, Charles Tennent, J. Emerson Woolley, Lord Palmer, Robert Russell. J. D. Watts Thesiger, Frederick W rtley. Hen. J. S. Patten. J..Wilson Ryder, Hon. G. D. Thompson. Mr. Ald. Wyndham. Colonel Peel, Sir Robert Sanderson. Richard Thoruhill, George Wyndham. Wadham Pemberton. Thomas Sandon, Viscount Tollemache, Hon. F Wynn. lion. C. W.W.
Piot. Sir Robert Scarlett. Hon It. C. Tollemache. Jobe Wynn. Sir Watkin W. Plumptre..1. P. Scott, Hon. Frances Tomline, George Yorke, Hon. Eliot T. , Polhill. Frederick Seymour, Sir H. Trench, Sir Fred. W Young. John Pollingtou. Viscount Shim, Hon. F. Trevor, Hon. G. Rice Young. Sir William
Pollock. Sir Fred. Sheppard. Thomas Trollope, Sir John MIAMI.
Powell, Colonel Shirley, Evelyn J. Trotter, John Baring, Henry Praed, William T. Shirley, E. Philip Tumor, Christopher Fremautle, Sir T.
Acheson, Viscount Buncombe, Thomas Larpent. Sir G. de H.Scrope. G. Poulett Agliouby, Henry A. Dundee, Captain D. Layard, Captaiu Seale, Sir John H. Aldam, William Derides. David Leader, John TempleSmith, Benjamin Anson. Hon. ColonelDundas, Hon. J. C. Loch. James Smith, John Abel Armstrong. Sir A. Easthope, Sir John Macaulay, Hon.T.B.Smith, Rt. Hon. R. V. ' Bannerman. Alex. Ebrington. Viscount ki•Taggart. Sir John Sombre, D. 0. Dyce Barclay, David Ellis, Wynn Mangles. Ross D. Somers, John Patrick Baring. F. T. Elphinstone. HowardIdarioribanks. S. Somerville. Sir W.M. Barnard. Edward G. Esmonde, Sir Thos. Marshall. William Stanley, Hon. W. 0. • Bell. John Evans. William Maraland. Henry Stanstield, W. 11. C. Berkeley, Hon. C. Ewart, William Martin. John • Stanton, William H. Berkeley, Hon. Capt.Fergirson, Colonel Maule, Rt. Hon. Fox Stanutou, Sir G. T. Berkeley, Hon. F. Ferguson, Sir R. A. Mitcalfe, Henry Stewart. P. Maxwell Berkeley, Hon. G. F.Fielden, John Morris, David Stuart. Lord James Bernal. Ralph Flizalan. Lord Morrison, James Stuart. W. Villiers Blake, Mark Fitzroy, Lord Charlestdostm Ha. E. M. L.Stricaland , Sir G. Blake, Sir Valentine Fitzwilliam, G. W. Mentz. George Fred.Strutt. Edward B:ewitt, It. J. Forster, Matthew Murphy. F. Stack Tancred. Henry W. Bowring. Dr. Fox, Charles RichardMurray, Alexauder Thortiely, Thomas Bridgernan. Hewitt French, Fitzatephen Napier, Sir Charles Towoeley. John Brocklehurst, John Gibson, T. Milner O'Brien, W. Smith Traill, George Brotherton, Joseph Gill. Thomas O'Connell. Maurice Troubridge. Sir E. T. Browne. R. Dillon Gordon. Lord Fred. O'Connell, M. J. Tulle, H. Morgan Browne. Hon. W. Gore, Hon. Captain O'Connell, John Turner, Edmund Bryan, George Granger, T. Colpitts 0' Count Don . Villiers, Hon. C. P. Bulkeley, Sir R. B.W.Grey, Rt. Hn. Sir G. Ogle, Savile C. II. Villiers, Frederick Buller, Charles Grosvenor, Lord It. Ord, William Vivian, Hon. Major Buller, Edward Guest, Sir Jobe Oswald,.Jarnes Vivian, John Henry Busfield, William Hall, Sir Benjamin Paget, Colonel Vivian. Hon.,CapWn Byng. George Harford, Summers Paget. Lord Alfred Walcley, ThiMas llyng. Rt. Hon. G. S.Harris, John QuioceyPalmerston. ViscountWalker. Richard Carew, Hon. It. S. Hastie, Archibald Pechell, Captain .Wall, C. Baring Cavendish. Ho. C. C.Hatton. Captain V. Pendarree, E. W. W.Wallace. Robert Cavendish. Hu. G. H.Hawes, Benjamin Philips. George R. Ward, Henry G. Chapman, Benjamin Hay, Sir A. Leith Philipps, Sir It. B. P.Wasou, Rigby Childers. John W. Hayter, William G. 'Philips. Mark Watson. William H. Clay. Sir William Heatheoat, John Phillpotts. John \Vawn, John Twisell Clive. Edw. Bolton Heron. Sir Robert Pinney. William Wernyss. Captain
Cobden, Richard Hill, Lord Marcus Plumridge, Captain Westeina. Hon. J.
Colborne, W. N. It. Hindley. Charles Ponsouby, C. F. A. C.White, Samuel Colebrooke. Sir T. E.Hobhouse, Sir John Ponsonby, lion. J. G.White, Henry Collins. William Huldsworth„ Joseph Powell, Caleb Wigoey. I. Newton Cowper. Hon. W. F. Herman, Edward Protheroe, Edward Williams, William Craig, Wm, Gibsou Howard, Ha. C.W.G.Palsford, Robert Wilehere, William Carrie, Raikes Howard, Hon. J. K. Ramsbottom, John Wil.on„ Matthew , Curteis, II. Barrett Howard, Lord Rawdon, Colonel Wiuniugton, Sir T.E.
Delmeny, Lord Howard, Hn. E. G.G.Rediugton. Thos. N. Wood. Benjamin Dalrymple, Captain Howard, Sir Ralph Rennie, George Wo ol. Charles Dashwood. George 11.11empliery,AldermartRice. Edward Royd Wood, George W. . Dawson, Hen. T. V. Hutt, William Ricardo, John I,ewis Wood, Sir Matthew Denison. J. Evelyn Jardine. William Ruche. Sir David Wrightson, W. B. Denuistoun, John Jervis, John Roebuck, John A. Yorke, H. Redhead , D'Eyucourt. C. T. Johnson, General Randle, John
Divett, Edward Johnston, Alexander Russell, Lord John TILLIIII.
Duff, James Lahouchere, Hun. II. Russell, Lord Eilwd.
Duke, Sir James Lambion. Hedwurth Rutherfurd, Hon. A. Parker, John Duncan, Viscount Langston. J. H. Scholefleld, Joshua Turnell, H. Duncan, George Langton, Win. Gore Scutt, Robert In addition to the above, copied from the Votes of Thursday, the Ministerial papers give the following hat of Pairs and Absentees, and an Analysis of the . House.
A'Court„ Captain Wilde, Sir J.
Brooke, Sir A. Butler, Hon. Colonel
Burdett, Sir F. Cave. R. 0.
Cartwright. It. C. Ainswor.h, P.
Caatlereagh. Lord Fleetwood. Sir H.
Clements, Colonel Clemente, Lord
Dugdale, W. S. O'Ferrall. N.
East no, Lord Ellice, E.
Henniker, Lord Seymour, Lord
Irving. J. white. L.
Jones J. Howard. P. IL Ker, D. Listowell, Lord Lindsay, H. H. Maher. Viscount Pennant, Hon. Colonel Leveson, Lord Plants. Right Hon. J. Pito', D. It.
Peel. Col. nel Fielden, W.
Vesey, Hon. J. Shelburne, Lord
Goarereatires, 8.—Arbuthnrit, Hon. Geo.; Hotham, Lord; Jackson, J. D.;
gestre. Lord ; Kerrison, Sir it.; Palmer. G. ; Vyvyan. Sir It. H.; Williams, J. I'. ' Liberah, 28.—Archbold, B.; Bellew, It. H.; Callaghan. fl.; Chalmers, P.; Crawford. W. S.; • Deuisou, W. J.; Diaz. W. it.; Duodas, J.: Ellice, Right Heft. E. ; Eta-all, IL ; Grattan, H.; Greenaway, C.; Holton& 11.: Howlett. Lord; James. W. • Macuaniara. Major; Martin, T. • Norreys, Sir D.; O'Brien, J. • O'Brien. C• O'Connell, 0.; Power. J. • Roche, E'. B.; Rumbold. C. it.; Shell, 'Right Hon. R. L.; Stock, Sergeant; Talbot, C. R. Al.; Vane. Lord H.
Majority against Lord John Russell's Resolution (Tellers included) 351 Minority 228 Pairs. 17 34
Absent Conservatives
Liberals 28 Seats Vacant, Double Returns. Ike.— (Southampton. Salop, Cornwall,
Clackroannan, Cardigan, Thetford, Bandon, !death) 8
Speaker 1 668