On the 21st November, at Chittagong. the Lady of JANIE! Bscroua Octumv, Esq. Hon. East India Company's Civil Service, of a daughter. On the 16th December. id Bareilly. in the East Indies, the Lady of Heresy FIDCOCK, Esq., Bengal Civil Service, of a daughter.
On the 6th February. at Frankfort ,,u-the.Maine. the Lady of H. G. Ktresa, Esq Attaché to her Ma •eaty's Legation, of a sou, who survived but a few hours.
On the 9th. at Hempuall Vicarage, Norfolk, the Wife of the Rev. Rousav Ross Rouse, of a daughter.
On the 13th. at Sulby Hull, Northamptonshire. her Grace the Dutchem of MONTROSE, of a daughter.
On the 13th. in Gloucester Terrace. Regent's Park. the lion. Lady Pssasow, of a son. On the 13th, in Great Cumberland Place, the Lady CoLcararrea. of a sou. On the 13th. the Lady of Dr. Rem, Bloomsbury Square, of a “aughter. On the 16th, at Park Street, Westminster. the Lady of Sir W. W. Folo.err, of a son.
On the 14th February, at Dover. Grown R. STEVENSON. Esq., Seventh Dragoon Guards, second son of the late John Stevenson, Esq.. of Biotield Place, Berks. to ANNA. MARIA DENHAM, eldest daughter of the Rev C. Burrell Cooke,. On the 16th, at the French Catholic Chapel, and afterwards at Marylebone Church, JOSEPH FERDINAND Count de Tasrre. Knight of the Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem. and Member of the States of Moravia acid Bohemia. nephew to the late and cousin to the present Viscount Taaffe of the Peerage of Ireland, to ANNA 14 ARIA. eldest daughter of' the late P. M. Lucas, Esq., of Nottingham Pace, and of Rim Wood, Stevenage. Hertfordshire. Ou the 15th. at St. George's Church, Hanover Square, W. Parrott, Esq.. of Castle Carrow. Leitrim, to ELIZABETH, third daughter of the late Majur-Oeueral Yates, of Brockhurst 1.• alp, Haute. At Hemel Hempstead. the Rev. Herter llowatern. Rector of Meppershall. Bedfast- shire, and late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, to lIswatrrns, eldest daughter of the Rev. Jac..b Henry Brooke Mountain. Prebeudary of Lincolu, Rector ef Blom- ham, Bedfordshire, aud 'Vicar of Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire.
At Manilla. on the 27th July last. JOHN GRAHAM Dice, Esq., eldest son of the late David Dick. Esq of Glenshiel. North Britain. On the 5th December last, at ClalagOUg. ANNE, Wife of James Balfour Ogilvy. Esq. On the 10th December, at Calcutta. the Rev. litcusito BETHEUL DOTES B.A.. Chap• lain of the Old Church. eldest sou of the late William Boyes, Esq., of Raleigh House, Brixton. Surrey; in him 38th year. On the 29th January. at East CI epiugt on House, near Dundee, Mrs. Emssarrir Stoma, Relict of the Rev. James Burns, late of Fortran. File; in her 86th year. Ou the 31st. at his house. Swathing Grange. Hants. EDWIN OODOHN JONES. Esq.. M.D., one of her Majesty's Justices of the Peace and a Deputy-Lieutenant fur she county of Southampton. On the 11th February, at the house of Robert Walters. Esq.. FRANCIS &minim' Macoarooa, fourth daughter of the late Sir Patrick Macgregor, Bad. Ou the 12th. BARBARA Lady CHAMBERS. Wi e of Sir Samuel Chambers, of Bredgar House, in the county or Kent; tu her jtoth year.
On the 14th, at his residence, Rue de 1 Universite. Paris, CHARLES Annie. C mat Pont, or &MOO, the diplomatist who was so Mug Russian Ambassador hi France and afterwards in England; iu his 77th year. On the 16th. at the Lodge, South Lambeth, Witatztasnas, Wife of the Rev. Dr. Kuper. in her 64th year.
Oa the 16th, at his residence. Ladbroke Terrace, ARCHIBALD MENZIES, Esq., F.L.S. ; in his 88th year.