Aaarven,At Gravesend, 11th Feb. Lady Renneway, M'Leod, from Bombay ; 13th, Ratcliff, Gilbert. from China ; and E. Russell, Jeffries, fromBingapore ; 14th, Fortitude. Wilson, from Ceylon; 15th. Frances Burn, French, from China ; Morning Star, Hey- ward, from Ceylon ; and Isle of Wight, Danford. from Mauritius ; 16th, Eliza, Pater- son, from China ; and Sir R. Seppings, Hopper, from Calcutta ; and 17th, Briton, At- kins, from Mauritius. At Bristol, 16th, Marla Leure, Betsey, from Mauritius. At Liverpool, 12th, Blorenge, Banks, from Calcutta ; 13th, Patna, Mann, from China ; and amber, Harrison, from Bombay; 14th, Thos. Lee, James ; Elizabeth Archer, Cothay ; and Hyaspes, Grebon, from Calcutta ; 15th, Ferris, Scott, from Madras; 16th, Ruby, Butcher, from Calcutta ; and 17th, Passenger, Walker, from Penang. At the Cape, 12th Dec. Wellington, Vlllncott, from London; and 13th, Ocean Queen, Jewell. from Maulmato.
SAILED—From Gravesend, 11th Feb. Madagascar, Hight, for Bombay ; 14th, Mary Sparks, Bushby, for China; 16th, Waratah. Volum, for Sidney ; and 17th, Adelaide, Wharton, for Port Phillip ; and Soubandar, Umfreevine. for Calcutta.