19 FEBRUARY 1859, Page 11


A new musical society in Paris, called the " Societe des Jeunes Art- istes," formed for the purpose of giving concerts of a high order, gave a performance, last week, of The Creation ; this being the third perform. ance in Paris of Haydn's immortal work ! The first took place on the 24th of December 1800, on the memorable night when the First Consul, on his way to hear it, narrowly escaped destruction by the infernal ma- chine in the Rue Nicaise : the second was on the 1st of November 1844 ; and the third was last week. At this rate, we suppose, the fourth will be given some half a -century hence. We must quote the characteristic remark of the Parisian journalist who chronicles this achievement of the "Jounce. Artistes." " L'espace nous manque," he says, "pour parler du chef d'oeuvre, qui, malgre quelques rides, ports veillamment son age. L'impression generale a etc bonne, mais non triomphante. Lea Fran—, cols sent ils ise's pour l' Oratorio 1" We would answer, Certainly hot. The French have not, nor ever had, any sacred music of their own, de- serving of the name ; and they keep themselves in a blissful state of ignorance as to the sacred music of other countries. We see their knowledge of the master-work of Haydn, a work which in England has been performed hundreds of times, and is a household word in every musical family. The Messiah has never once been performed entire in Paris; and the Parisians' knowledge of Handal is limited to a stray air or chorus, sung at some concert and heard with supreme indifference. As to Mendelssohn, one half of Elijah was lately got up and boasted of as a mighty exploit. And these are the people who represent their city as the centre of modem civilization, and themselves as the judges with- out appeal in everything pertaining to letters and art.