The Greenwich election, to supply a member for the seat lately occur pied by Mr. Townsend, began on Monday with the nomination. Alder- man Salomons was proposed by Dr. Purvis and seconded by Mr. Taylor. Mr. William Angerstein was proposed by Mr. B. Cooke, and seconded by Mr. Jolly. There was nothing notable in the speeches of the candidates. In addition to their common claims as liberals, each had local claims. Mr. Salomons had been High Sheriff for Middlesex and Kent. The father of Mr. Angerstein had represented Greenwich, and had never deserted the cause of civil and religious liberty. The show of hands was in favour of Mr. Salomon. The poll took place on Tuesday, when the numbers were—Salomons, 3444; Anger- stein, 2523; majority for Salomons, 921.
Baron Meyer de Rothschild was elected, on Tuesday, Member for Hythe without opposition. His proposer was Mr. Rayner ; his seconder Captain Rennicott, R.N. It would be his duty as a Liberal, the Baron said, to watch the men in power—men who had always opposed Liberal measures—with a jealous eye, and to see that they act in a Liberal spirit. The great questions of the session will be reform, taxation, and transfer of land.
Sir John Ramsden met the electors of the West Riding at Leeds on Monday. He explained, in answer to questions, that ho had always voted for the ballot; although opposed to it on principle he accepts it as the lesser of two evils, regarding intimidation, the alternative, as the greater evil. Ho is against church-rates—" for the good of the church." He will promote, if he can, the abolition of income tax in 1860. He will oppose the introduction of the Maine Liquor Law.
Mr. Gladstone has been reelected without opposition for the Univer- sity of Oxford.
The Members of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society, at their annual meeting held on the 1st of February, determined on raising a fund for some permanent memorial of the services rendered to Archaeology and Literature by the late Reverend Charles Wellbeloved, and have invited his friends, who are not members of the Society, to join with them in this tribute of respect to his memory.