19 FEBRUARY 1859, Page 9



The English Funds have experienced but little fluctuation during the week, in spite of the several unfavourable rumours which have occasionally prevailed. The Markets on Monday were generally dull, pending the Indian financial statement of Lord Stanley. Consols were stationary at 9511 for both Money and Account. A rise of nearly per cent took place the next day, the fact of a loan of only 7,000,0001. being required being received favourably. Business has not been active, and speculators are remaining quiet till there is less uncertainty in the political world. The public has, however, been investing considerably, and the Government Broker has not yet ceased his daily purchases of 20,0001. on behalf of the Savings' Banks. The Money Market is very easy, and loans are offered on Government Secu- rities at 1 per cent. ' Consols were depressed again on Wednesday to 951 sellers, upon a report of a French loan of 20,000,0001. about to be nego- ciated; this report not being substantiated the market recovered, and closes firm this afternoon. Consols show an advance upon the first quotation of the week of 1 per cent, 95j 1. Reduced and New Three per Cents, both 96 h; India Debentures, 98 1; and Bank Stock, 227 229. The tone of the business iu the Foreign Market has somewhat improved this week, although it still continues in a most unsatisfactory state, the brokers and dealers agreeing that the existing stagnation has seldom been equalled ; the public is evidently waiting a turn in political events, or the cheapness of money and the lowness of prices at which good stocks rule would have brought in purchasers. The alteration of the most importance is a rise of nearly 2 per cent in the last Turkish Loan, it was quoted on Monday 6/ discount, and it is now with a good market 4/ discount buyers. For the last two days there has been active discussion as regards Venezuela ; terms of the proposed settlement of the debt have been submitted to the Committee of Spanish American Bondholders by the Venezuelean Minister in London ; up to the present time it seems extremely difficult to make out what are the exact terms, as from various influential sources, it is said to be greatly in the Minister's power to modify those proposed, to the advan- tage of the Bondholders. While this doubt exists dealing is almost nomi- nal. Money continues in this market easy, and at about 2 per cent ; Mexican, 201; Venezuela Active, 43 44 ; Ditto Deferred, 161 17 ; Peruvian Four-and- a-half per Cents, 93 94 ; Ditto Three per Cents, fa 74; Ditto Dollar Bonds, 80 to 82; Turkish Old Six per Cents, 901 91; Ditto, New, 792 801 ; 'Vic- tor Emmanuel, 88 90 ; Sardinian, 80 131; Brazilian, 931 941 ; Portu- guese, 451 461 ; Spanish, 44 441.

The English Railway Market has been dull as regards the amount of business passing, but values generally have improved owing to better traffic returns, and satisfactory reports for the half-year of some of the leading lines. There have been no fluctuations of importance, and the market closes with a tendency to higher prices. Caledonian, 421 1 ; Berwick, 931 1; Sheffield, 381; Great Northern (Stock), 1041 5 ; Eastern Counties, 121 1; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 951 1 ; London and North- Western, 9511, Great Western, 561 2. The French Railway Market presents a rather unsettled appearance, but prices are not low. Lombardo- Venetian continues flat, although a very larra number have been bought by 1e

the English public ; Northern of France, 36 71; Paris and Lyons, 322 331; Paris and Strasbourg 261 1 ; Lombardo, 1 premium for the Old, and par -- to 1 premium for the New. The Indian Market was extremely dull previous to the statement made by Lord Stanley on the subject of Indian finance, but since that time and the favourable account mentioned by him of the Rail- roads, the Market has shown great firmness, and large investments have been made by the public.


No great amount of business has been transacted today. Consols were at 951. No change has occurred in the New Threes and Reduced. The same remarks apply to Foreign and Railway Securities.