Out and About. By J. Hain Friswell. (Groombridge.)—This is a
good, healthy book for boys, with plenty of stirring scenes and adven- tures, ranging from the Arctic regions to the South Seas, and from Persia to California. With a good moral to the story and plenty of information about the countries visited, nothing is left to be desired. The author seeks to impress upon his readers that there is no higher heroism for man or boy than to do what comes in his way with all his might. This is certainly the right key to strike, and with such a muster-roll of heroes as we can show, which includes, to mention but one or two, such names as Havelock and Collingwood. and only tho -other day, Goodenough, we have not far to seek for glorious examples. We heartily recommend this book as a capital one of its kind, and are sure that the rising generation will be the better and the wiser for reading it."