Merton College has made a remarkable choice for its new
Warden ; it has elected the Hon. George Brodrick to that post, and it would be difficult to imagine a better choice. In Uni- versity politics, it is true, Mr. Brodrick is, to our thinking, too Conservative. On the various Fellowship questious we have seldom, agreed with him. Still, it is something to have a Head of vigorous mind, who is a considerable University politician, and not merely an academical politician,—who knows, and knows well, the larger class of considerations on which University politics must ultimately be determined,—and who will never think of these matters without having the Parliamentary standard of expedi- ency, as distiuguished from the academical standard, always present to his mind. Politics will lose by the election of Mr. Brodrick to this honourable post, but we believe that the University of Oxford will gain even more than politics will lose.